Sunday, June 8, 2008

THE CONTENDER ASIA Interviews ringside

For those of you who are THE CONTENDER ASIA fans here are some youtube links to interviews we did ringside during the show for internet that weren't included on the television broadcast of the finale.


Michael Schiavello & Mark Castagnini interview Soren Monkontong

Michael Schiavello & Mark Castagnini interview Dzabhar

Michael Schiavello & Mark Castagnini interview Zig Zak Kahn

Thanks also to LAWRENCE RIPSHER the Contender photographer for some great snaps!!

I have to say hosting and commentating THE CONTENDER ASIA FINALE was an absolute thrill. Working with the team from MARK BURNETT PRODUCTIONS I felt like I was part of a Hollywood movie and it was a buzz knowing how many hundreds of millions of people worldwide would be watching the broadcast.

If you haven't already viewed THE CONTENDER ASIA please make sure you do when it hits your country!

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